
家电标准EN 60335-1更新解读

来源: 华检检测 / 日期: 2019-12-09 / 浏览: 90599次

2019年8月9日,CENELEC共发布了EN 60335-1:2012的三份修订标准。采纳了IEC 60335-1:2010的2013和2016年修订版、增加部分的特殊要求,使之与IEC 60335-1:2010更好地衔接。此外,EN版本针对元器件的标准要求也进行了更新。
- 强制时间:制造商需在2021年7月30日前将产品符合标准的最新要求。
- EN 60335-1在用标准:EN 60335-1: 2012+A11: 2014+A13: 2017
- EN 60335-1升级后最新标准:
EN 60335-1: 2012+A11: 2014+A13: 2017+A1: 2019+A14:2019+A2: 2019

EN 60335-1升级最新标准的新增条款:(注:特别留意以下红色加粗部分)

1 标准:EN 60335-1: 2012/A1: 2019
(对应于IEC 60335-1: 2010/A1: 2013)
该标准基于原EN 60335-1: 2012+A11: 2014+A13: 2017进行更新

- 11.8 In Table 3 delete footnotes za, zb, zc, zd.
- 24.1: Components shall comply with the safety requirements specified in the relevant EN standards as far as they reasonably apply.
- Plugs and socket-outlets and other connecting devices of interconnection cords shall not be interchangeable with plugs and socket-outlets listed in IEC/TR 60083 or IEC 60906-1 or with connectors and appliance inlets complying with the standard sheets of EN 60320-1, if direct supply to these parts from the supply mains could give rise to a hazard. When an EN standard does not exist for a component, there are no additional tests specified.

2 标准:EN 60335-1: 2012/A14: 2019
该标准基于原EN 60335-1: 2012+A11: 2014+A13: 2017+A1: 2019进行更新

- 7.10: Add the text after the first paragraph of the addition(see standard).
- 8.1.1: Replace the first sentence of the replacement of the 3rd;
- 8.1.3: Add the text “, test probe 18” after “test probe B,”.
- 20.2: In the second paragraph replace the word “movable” by “moving” and replace “main function” by “working function”.
- 22.12: Other parts that are intended to be detached during use, maintenance or cleaning (examples are batteries, battery covers, lids, attachments, steam nozzles) are not considered as parts providing a similar function as handles, knobs, grips, levers.
- 22.17: This is not applicable to built-in appliances.
- 24.1: NOTE Z3 For details of plugs used in CENELEC countries listed in IEC TR 60083 see Annex ZH.
- 25.1: Plugs and pins for insertion into socket outlets shall follow the relevant standards sheets in Annex ZH.
- 25.6: Delete the addition.
- 25.25: Dimensions of the pins and engagement face of plugs of appliances that are inserted into socket-outlets are to be in accordance with the dimensions of the relevant plug standard. NOTE Z1 Common plugs and socket-outlets types in CENELEC countries as shown in Annex ZH.
- 32: Delete in the third paragraph “EN 50366 or”.

3 标准:EN 60335-1: 2012/A2: 2019
(对应于IEC 60335-1: 2010/A2: 2016)
基于原EN 60335-1: 2012+A11: 2014+A13: 2017+A1: 2019+A14: 2019进行更新

- 7.10: Delete the paragraphs starting with “Devices used to start/stop….” until the end of the requirement “……by vulnerable persons.”. This includes Notes Z1 and Z2.
- 7.12: Delete the sub clause.
- 7.14: Delete Note Z1.
- 22.12: Delete Note Z1.
- 24: Type S2 and S3 capacitors according to EN 60252-1 are not required to undergo the testing as required by 30.2.2 and
- 25.7: Delete the existing text starting “Halogen free thermoplastic……..” until ”……..designation H07ZZ-F). “.

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